acbc preview

Antrim County Bridge Club

C#ASP.NET CoreEntity FrameworkMSSQLGit/GitHubTailwind CSS

This club homepage was built as part of the capstone project for my degree at NMC. It is a full-stack application with a custom CMS that allows the client to manage their own content, including pages built with rich-text, a members directory, and a partner-finder system. Over the course of the project, I led the team and developed the admin dashboard and server architecture, as well as interfaced with the client to gather requirements and receive feedback.

create-ts-init preview

TypeScript Project Creator

TypeScript Node.js CLI NPM Registry Jest ESLint

This is an open-source CLI tool I created to help solve the problem that configuring new TypeScript apps can be very cumbersome, especially when you are trying to set up several tools to work in harmony around the new ESM standard. "create-ts-init" creates a new TypeScript project with options for a pre-configured Jest testing environment as well as ESLint and Prettier for linting and formatting. Ultimately, you get a good developer experience for TypeScript out of the box in just a few seconds.

ollama preview


An open-source plugin for Neovim that provides a simple way to connect your codebase to your own locally ran LLMs using It is highly configurable and allows you to write your own prompts, using context from your current buffer, to query the LLM and display the results, insert or replace code, and more, all without leaving your editor.

portfolio preview

My Portfolio

HTMLTailwind CSSJavaScriptReactGatsbyFramer MotionGitHub Pages

You are here! Building upon my React fundamentals, I used this project not only as a way to demonstrate my abilities, but also learn some new skills along the way. Created using Gatsby and sprinkled with animations using Framer Motion, with a CI/CD pipeline to automatically build and publish live when changes submitted to the main branch.

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TypeScriptParsersTestingNPM Registry

A simple, open-source, and lightweight parser combinator library for TypeScript. Ships with a full suite of parsers for all kinds of common use-cases, and is easily extended with custom parsers. Developed and tested using Bun, but published to NPM as a standalone package to use in any Bun/Node/browser environment.

tictactoe preview

React Training Module

HTMLCSSJavaScriptReactViteGitHub PagesGitHub Wiki

Created for CIT255 course at NMC. Groups were tasked with creating educational material for learning a new technology not previously covered in the program, including a lecture, demonstration, and short assessment. I created a module for learning React, setting up a development environment with Vite, and building a Tic-Tac-Toe game that demonstrates all learning outcomes.

arkade preview

The Arkade

HTMLCSSJavaScriptjQuerysugokuCanvasGitHub Pages

A collection of three games using core web technologies created for the CIT190 - JS & jQuery course at NMC. Games include a fully-featured Sudoku game leveraging the public 'sugoku' API, a sliding grid puzzle that allows you to upload your own pictures, and an HTML5 Canvas game focus on dodging obstacles.